3 November
A grey morning, with occasional openings in the clouds illuminating mosses and the remaining foliage.
The dead stump at the junction of the trail has again produced a crop of mushrooms. They're likely sulphur tuft, and have appeared on just about exactly the same date as they did last year.
A stand of fairy fingers appears nearby.
A strong wind last week brought down several alders. They're framing the huckleberry nurse stump,
and loom above the path. It doesn't feel like a place to loiter in.
There is a variety of elfin saddles this season.
According to my books on fungi, there are several species here in BC, of which most are very toxic and one is delicious. Somehow I think I'll just stick with supermarket mushrooms.
The water level in the Marsh has continued to rise.
...and at last, Mount Arrowsmith is showing white.
Five swans were joined by mallards at the south end of the Marsh.
At first one swan appeared,
then three.
Mallards were less easily spotted.
When the swans took flight, we could see that there were two juveniles in the group.
In addition to waterfowl, there were two garter snakes, one of which cooperated with a photo.
It seemed rather chilly for reptiles, but they still looked quite lively.
We can welcome the annual return of waterfowl to the Marsh, and look to the change of the season.
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