15 September

 A fine day of with intermittent cloud.  The mosses became radiant in the sunlight.

Huckleberry vines glow in the forest's light.

It is becoming the season for slugs to feast on fungi.

The emerging variety of fungi is striking.  

Panther amanita are among the most toxic of all mushrooms. 

Pear-shaped puffballs are reportedly delicious.  Perhaps one day I'll cook some, but only after a true expert has identified them.  Until then, I'll just enjoy observing them.

Witches butter and staghorn jelly fungus are appearing on deciduous wood accompanied by turkey tails.

Snails don't seem common in this forest, but they are present.

The water level continues to drop in the Marsh.

The harrier was present again, hunting back and forth over the extent of the marsh. 

After her time hunting, the she stooped, and was no longer visible.  It's possible that she had captured some small creature in the sedges and was feeding.  

The alders along the Marsh are starting to show golden.

We left the dock and the bench and made our way back to the parking lot, looking forward to a visit in the coming week.


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