28 July
The Forest and Wetlands are dry, but ripening. Cat-tail moss, once lush, is now fading. Typically, mosses are re-invigorated by moisture, but the rainy season is still at least a month away, and likely further. The fungus that grew on this alder snag has dried. Despite the drought, new growth, such as this mushroom, is appearing. These strange little clusters of dark moss have just emerged. I'm hoping for help in identifying them. Plants which bloomed recently are now producing seeds and fruit. The pathfinder is showing its odd flowers and seed pods. The abundant foamflower has dried, and is now producing its distinctive seedpods. Nipplewort is showing its seedheads--fluff, with an oblong seed. Salal berries are ripening. Trillium produce sticky seeds from an egg-shaped pod. Attracted to the sticky seeds, ants aid in their dispersion. The "mystery seedlings" that we'd hoped to identify by watching their ...