23 July
A morning that didn't quite go according to our plans. We had thought to have a comparatively early visit to the Wetlands and Forest, so that we could take part in a butterfly count in French Creek in the afternoon. Unfortunately, on approaching the HWF, we smelled smoke! Very alarming, and then we heard nearby sirens. It didn't seem wise to leave our vehicle and walk into the forest until we knew where the fire was. So we wound up travelling the highway parallel to Hilliers Road to where several fire trucks were extinguishing a fire in the median and along the highway. It looked as though a boat that had been towed had lost a wheel and the sparks had started a fire. Very fortunately, the fire department had intervened quickly and prevented yet another forest fire. This meant, however, that we got a quite late start into the woods. The forest was quiet, but there always seems to be something of interest to examine. Two D...